Accountants and Limited AFSLs – making the right decision before time runs out

The accountants’ licensing exemption (Regulation 7.1.29A) currently permits a recognised accountant to recommend the establishment or winding up of an interest in a SMSF without holding an Australian Financial Services (AFS) licence. From 1 July 2016 the accountants’ exemption will be removed. This means that if you wish to continue to provide this advice to[…]

ASIC Regulatory Guides 133 and 166 and implications for Responsible Entities with third party custodians

We recommend that all Responsible Entities (REs) which use external custodians consider whether changes are required to the compliance plans of their registered managed investment schemes in the light of changes to the custodial requirements. This resulted from ASIC class orders [CO 13/761] and [CO 13/1409] which are explained in ASIC Regulatory Guides RG 133[…]

What is a good compliance culture?

Be warned that ASIC’s strategic plan for 2014-15 will focus on financial advisers and responsible entities operating managed investment schemes. If you are licensed to give financial advice or operate a managed investment scheme, you may be surprised by a surveillance visit from ASIC. Usually, the main aim of an ASIC surveillance visit is to[…]


AML CTF COMPLIANCE Changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Rules Instrument 2007 (No.1) (AML Rules) became effective on 1 June 2014. and introduced new customer due diligence requirements, together with deadlines for complying with these new rules. 1 June 2014 – new customer due diligence requirements Key obligations under the new requirements[…]

ASIC update August 2014

Below are notes taken from a meeting at which time ASIC provided information on its activities in assessing participants in the financial services industry. These notes may be of interest to property and mortgage fund managers, platform operators and other holders of Australian financial services licences. 1. During the 2013/14 financial year, ASIC targeted 10[…]

Stockbrokers Financial Requirements – ASX Market Integrity Rules and ASIC Requirements

Key Financial Obligations of Market Participants of Security Exchanges, including the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Market Participants are required to comply with either the financial requirements of the ASIC Market Integrity Rules or with the ASX’s financial requirements, if they are ASX clearing participants. In either case, similar requirements apply. Two of the areas of[…]